Innovation Challenge

With the world bracing and fighting against a pandemic unknown to humankind less than a year ago, COVID-19 has, for better or for worse, changed the way lives were being lived. This change has not only led to the collapse of many existing industries but also has paved the way for several emerging ones. It has pushed us into rethinking, revisiting our ways, to fit the new normal. Innovation is the guiding light that would provide support and sustainability to this new future.

Innovation Challenges (ICs) are global calls to action aimed at accelerating research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in technology areas that could provide significant benefits in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy security and creating new opportunities for clean economic growth.

The Challenge endeavours to find the most promising innovations, and enable them to create an impact at the global level.

What is a Design Challenge?

Design Challenges are competitions that help create better solutions to society’s most complicated problems. We support innovators and students to design products and services with real social impact.

How does a Design Challenge work?

With our partners we identify a challenge where better designed products and services might make a difference and then we create a ‘Call for Ideas’, open to as wide a range of participants as possible.

Engineering design challenges encourage students to brainstorm, design, build, test, problem solve, troubleshoot, tinker, innovate, and iterate. Try one of these free challenges to get students started on an engineering design project.

Next we select the best design and provide funding and support to accelerate their path towards success. Our acceleration phase can range from 3 to 6 months.

Finally we use our networks to help them launch and win Awards or further development funding. And we monitor and measure their progress so that we can see how effective we have been creating impact